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G-2 : Intelligence for Patton
G-2 : Intelligence for Patton
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The enigmatic science of military intelligence is examined in this personal record, written by Brigadier General Oscar W. Koch, who served during World War II as chief of intelligence for General George S. Patton, Jr., one of the most colorful military leaders in American history. General Koch traces growth and development of the infant science through detailed accounts of the intelligence role in some of the most celebrated battles of the war, and through his personal rememberances of Patton and his relationships with members of his intelligence staff. His story moves from the African campaign through Sicily, into France on D-Day and on to the Battle of the Bulge, pointing out how the work of the intelligence staff made the differences in the final reckoning. General Koch's book is more than a historical study, however. It is the exciting story of the operations behind the cloak and dagger illusions.
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