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The price of admiralty : the evolution of naval warfare
The price of admiralty : the evolution of naval warfare
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In "The Price of Admiralty," Keegan illuminates the history of naval conflict as it has evolved from Nelson's day until our own, offering a brilliant dissection of four landmark sea battles, each featuring a different form of warship: the Battle of Trafalgar, a conflict of wooden ships of the line; the Battle of Jutland in World War I with its ironclad steamships, the ponderous dreadnoughts; the Battle of Midway in World War II, the last great surface-ship battle, in which aircraft carriers proved the key players; and the long, arduous Battle of the Atlantic, which saw the submarine emerge as the last major-and ultimately most significant-technological transformation in naval operations. The author recounts how each new advance in warship technology irrevocably altered the face of naval conflict-the tactics and strategy necessary for offensive and defensive maneuvers, the role of commanders, and most important, the daily and operational routines of the men aboard. The author closes with a sobering vision of the naval arsenals of the two superpowers today, and suggests how our nuclear navies-now custodians of truly earthshaking power-may continue to evolve.
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