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The Black military experience in the American West
The Black military experience in the American West
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The taming of the American West has stirred the imagination of people throughout the world. Hollywood movies, books, magazine articles, and radio and television serials have served to perpetuate the myths and realities of that great historical era. But only in the last few years has history begun to recognize that many settlers and cowboys were black. Now, with the publication of this book, one more truth is brought to light: the very important role of the black man in the military and paramilitary history of the West. Few people realize, for instance, that the famous 9th and 10th cavalries that rode to the rescue of so many wagon trains in so many movies during that frontier period were all black units--as were the 24th and 25th infantries. Their epic history is here recorded and documented--beginning with Estevanico, the black Conquistador, and York, the black man who accompanies Lewis and Clark on their famous expedition, up through the final cavalry charge in the Battle of the Yaqui Indians in the Arizona Territory in 1918 (generally considered to be the end of the historical "Western Era") This is a sensitive, human account filled with pathos, suffering, heroics, tragedy, camaraderie, and humor. It shows the privation and periodic boredom of fighting on desolate frontiers; the tension and excitement of the actual campaigns; the hostility and resentment of whites in the Southwest who often saw in the presence of these black soldiers further humiliation after Civil War defeat; the pride of progressing from ex-slave to soldier; and the irony of the newly fed black man fighting to suppress the freedom of another minority race--the American Indian. A special feature of this volume is the reproduction of an extraordinary collection of art dealing with the black military in Western America. Paintings by Frederick Remington and Charles Russell are included, as are many illustrations which have been especially commissioned for this book. Among these are drawings by Paul Rossi, José Cisneros, Nick Eggenhoffer, Joe Grandee, Stanley Long, and many other noted artists. There are more than sixty in all, and they provide a magnificent pictorial record of the black soldier in the history of the West.
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