The Reunited States of America : how we can bridge the partisan divide
The Reunited States of America : how we can bridge the partisan divide
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This book, at its core, is about what has made America great and how we can restore that greatness if we seize the opportunities before us. On the Great Seal of the Unites States it says Our country's motto is E pluribus unum out of many, one but you'd never know it now, says mediator and civic entrepreneur Mark Gerzon. In the past, Americans could disagree without demonizing each other. But now healthy partisan debate is being replaced by hyperpartisan political brawling. Loyalty to party is overpowering love of country. We need a new attitude if we're going to confront the challenges our country faces. Gerzon and others call it transpartisan this book is the transpartisan movement's manifesto. Transpartisans are open to learning from each other instead of insisting they already have all the answers. They work respectfully with people they disagree with instead of vilifying and avoiding them. They're willing to try new solutions instead of clinging to the old approaches. And after the campaign is over, they insist their elected representatives come together to govern not just continue campaigning. Gerzon describes how transpartisan activists all over the country Republicans, Democrats, and independents are finding common ground on some of the most divisive and difficult issues we face today: abortion, gun control, sex education, defense spending, prison reform, and more. We can take the poison out of partisanship and put a stop to the seemingly endless Left-Right fistfight. Mark Gerzon explains what we all can do to strengthen our sense of unity while honoring the vital role of conflicting points of view.
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