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Overcoming post-deployment syndrome : a six-step mission to health
Overcoming post-deployment syndrome : a six-step mission to health
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"Dr. David Cifu and Cory Blake work at the Hunter Holmes McGuire Polytrauma Center (one of only four in the country), providing intensive rehabilitation care to service members who have experienced injuries to multiple organ systems. This type of injury that results in physical, cognitive, psychological, and psychological impairments has recently been identified as "Post-Deployment Syndrome." Overcoming Post-Deployment Syndrome offers soldiers and their families a comprehensive guide to dealing with the all-too-common repercussions of combat duty, including post-traumatic stress symptoms, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. The book details state-of-the-art treatments for these difficulties and outlines specific ways to improve couple and family relationships. It offers tips on rejoining the workforce and reconnecting with children, and it focuses on the integration of traditional and complementary techniques. Overcoming Post-Deployment Syndrome provides personal vignettes from soldiers who have successfully reintegrated into their families, workplaces, and communities, a wealth of community and government resources, tips, and suggestions. Dr. Cifu and Cory Blake have been at the forefront of treating veterans - they know what the issues are and have answers"-- History has taught us repeatedly that it is possible to overcome adversity. Cities and nations have been rebuilt after war and calamity. Entire companies and even industries have come back from economic failure and ruin. There are scores of books and movies filled with individuals who have beaten the odds and returned to their personal greatness. The goal of this book is to teach you the techniques needed to help you to rebuild, to aid you in your comeback, and to allow you to return to your own greatness. It won't necessarily be easy. It won't be given to you on a silver platter. You'll need to work for it. You'll need to strap on your boots to make it happen. You will have to fully engage to meet this new mission. But it can happen. Your road to wellness is in front of you. It's as real as the road outside your door. It's as possible as any success story. It's your own personal miracle waiting to happen"-- Provided by publisher. Preface.
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