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The SAGE encyclopedia of theory in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
The SAGE encyclopedia of theory in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
-- Theory in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
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"I. General Theory of Science: Here you will find entries having to do with the nature of science, including its authoritativeness, the way its claims are tested, in short the basic conceptual features of the scientific enterprise as a whole. II Nature and Structure of Theories: Here the discussion remains general and at a high level of abstraction but the focus is more specifically on the nature of scientific theory...Turning to the more specific disciplines we see the second division, between disciplines more on the empirical side of things and those on the formal side. Here are found discussions both of matters having to do specifically with the day-to-day features of these disciplines and of general issues that frame and clarify their scope and limits....III. Formal Disciplines: These disciplines are less grounded in empirical data and more focused on concepts.... This topic is further divided into: 1. Computer Science 2. Logic and Mathematics. IV. Empirical Disciplines: The empirical disciplines as well are monolithically empirical.... This topic is further divided into: 1. Biological Science 2. Chemistry 3. Cognitive Sciences 4. Earth and Space Sciences 5. Engineering 5. Physics 6. Technology" -- pages xxiii-xxiv.
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