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Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare : a guide to best practice
Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare : a guide to best practice
-- Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare
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"The go-to guide to evidence-based practice in nursing for more than a decade, Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice, 5th Edition, presents the latest perspectives on research-backed nursing practice in an engaging, user-friendly approach that has made this the bestselling resource of its kind. AJN award-winning authors Bernadette Melnyk and Ellen Fineout-Overholt combine straightforward, conversational storytelling, inspiring quotes, and engaging case studies to make evidence-based practice accessible for students at any level of familiarity. With real-world examples and meaningful strategies in every chapter, this revised and reimagined 5th Edition gives students the confidence to meet today's clinical challenges and ensure the most effective patient outcomes for years to come. New to this edition: NEW! Reimagined coverage and a new chapter on applying implementation science to clinical practice settings familiarize students with the latest evidence and emerging implementation and evaluation tools.. UPDATED! Content throughout empowers you to more effectively teach evidence-based practice principles in academic and clinical settings. UPDATED! Making EPB Real case studies reinforce clinical application through real-world examples"-- Provided by publisher.
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