Recent operations subcourse: lessons from the China-Burma-India Theater.
Recent operations subcourse: lessons from the China-Burma-India Theater.
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The problem: to present to the 2d Command Class orally some of the more important lessons to be learned from operations in the China-Burma-India Theater; and to present the above as an extra-curricular activity, without benefit of any scheduled period for research or preparation, utilizing such spare time as may be found while pursuing the regularly scheduled sub-courses, relying chiefly for source material on the personal knowledge, acquired during actual assignment to the CBI Theater, of the members of the committee. Appendixes include: United States relations with the national government of China; South East Asia Command; lessons from ground force and overland supply operations; air activities in the China-Burma-India Theater; 14th Air Force and 20th Bomber Command operations in China; military plans for postwar China; conclusions; charts and slides used in presentation; and organization of committee.
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