Interview with LTC Daniel Kozlowski.
Interview with LTC Daniel Kozlowski.
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In this interview, LTC Kozlowski compares and contrasts his experiences in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) with his earlier deployments in Stabilization Force (SFOR)-15 and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). Kozlowski reflects his belief that the training and support during the OIF train-up was the best, not only for the allocated time but the type and quality of pre-mobilization training. LTC Kozlowski describes the capstone aviation training exercise (ATX) as well structured, realistic and appropriate for the OIF mission - as compared to the command post exercise (CPX)/ATX he experienced for SFOR-15. LTC Kozlowski relates the particular importance of the comments and feedback from MG (Retired) Packett, the senior mentor for the ATX. Kozlowski also notes that the ATX evaluators were knowledgeable of the staff judge advocate (SJA) role in overall Aviation operations. LTC Kozlowski reviews the significant actions and accomplishments of his SJA section to include disposition of several Officer/Senior Leader misconduct cases, one courts-martial, over 400 legal assistance cases for Soldiers, family members and other civilians, and several contract and fiscal reviews. LTC Kozlowski outlines his relationships with the United States Forces-Iraq (USF-I) SJA section, Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID), as well as Air Force Office of Special Investigation (OSI) and the Trial Defense Service (TDS) on JBB. Kozlowski notes the each agency had a different interpretation on regulations arising from a difference in organizational philosophy which often resulted in challenges reconciling the different viewpoints. LTC Kozlowski relates how his section operated in relation to the Brigade commander and his subordinate commanders. Kozlowski keys in on his efforts to build trust as critical to providing successful support to unit commanders, noting that the SJA role was to support the commander in building good order and discipline within the command. Kozlowski describes how his focus on resolving legal assistance cases helped to "keep Soldiers in the game" -- focused on mission without distractions from legal matters. He closes his interview by noting the importance of anticipating second and third-order effects to legal decisions, and the importance of understanding human nature when giving legal advice to commanders.
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