Islamic Jihad: portrait of the terrorist bomber.
Islamic Jihad: portrait of the terrorist bomber.
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Thesis: Through the use of the suicide bomber, the Islamic Jihadist seeks to overwhelm and replace Western democracy with an Islamic hegemony as the world's dominant cultural, religious, and political force. It is strategically essential for the U.S. Government to understand the history, ideology, trends, and motivation of the Islamic terrorist bomber in the global war on terror. The U.S Government must then recognize and educate both Soldiers and the American public to the background of the Islamic fascist. Some might disagree with the viewpoint of this paper because many people view Islam as a religion of peace. It has existed in this world almost as long as the Christian and Hebrew religions and has similarly contributed in a positive way to civilization. Some could reasonably argue that Islam and its ideology are no more violent than the religions of the western world.... The global war on terror is the defining challenge of our generation. Since the beginning of this most recent conflict in Iraq, terrorists murdered over 5,000 people. Suicide bombers are a low cost solution to the superiority of the western military. Suicide bombings have grown from a localized phenomenon to a worldwide crisis affecting a diverse range of societies and people. The target set of the suicide bomber has evolved over time from attacking military and government targets to attacking innocent, like-minded Muslims in friendly quarters. The failure to recognize and overcome the growing threat posed by the terrorist bomber as the weapon of choice of the Islamist jihadist terrorist may be disastrous for western civilization. The Taliban controlled Afghanistan extremists demonstrated the devastation an uncontrolled Islamic ideology might inflict upon those it governs. Left unchecked, the Islamist jihadist movement will spread across the entire Muslim world, finding safe haven in struggling democracies across the globe. This militant, perverted form of Islam is a threat to all civilized countries, regardless of culture, religion, or society.
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