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Corps of Intelligence Police.
Corps of Intelligence Police.
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Noncommissioned Officers (NCO) hold a special place in the history and structure of the United States Army. Within the NCO Corps, however, the tradition of the Military Intelligence (MI) NCO is unique and distinctive. Examples of invaluable and selfless service of MI NCOs are found all the way back to the American Revolution with Sergeant Daniel Bissell. But, a special intelligence unit created at the beginning of United States involvement in World War I epitomizes this tradition. It was made up entirely of NCOs, the only all-NCO unit organized in American military history. The Corps of Intelligence Police (CIP) was one of the first permanent intelligence units established and the first purely counterintelligence unit formed within the Army. The formations, lineage, training, duties, weapons, and men of the CIP wrote a great chapter in the history of the Army and the NCO Corps.
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