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Recommendations for making anti-poaching programs more effective in the Southern African region through the analysis of key variables impacting upon the poaching of elephants in Botswana.
Recommendations for making anti-poaching programs more effective in the Southern African region through the analysis of key variables impacting upon the poaching of elephants in Botswana.
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The escalation of poaching in Botswana forced the leadership to deploy its military in addressing this problem. The use of the military against poaching experienced multiple challenges both at operational and tactical levels. The military was deployed in this campaign as a quasi-political decision, thought to be a quick remedy to the poaching dilemma in Botswana. The quasi-political aspect has omitted creation of a national strategy that could comprehensively address the poaching challenges in Botswana and the southern African region, especially that most poachers originate from outside the country. Although on one hand it could be argued that the BDF is positively addressing the poaching problem, on the other, it could also be argued that the lack of a clear policy on anti-poaching has hampered the mission. The inefficiency of these campaigns is demonstrated by continued poaching activities in Botswana. This experience has resulted in the realization that Botswana needs to rethink and redefine its national strategy on anti-poaching in order to increase the effectiveness of the intervention means and ways. The national instruments of power need to be comprehensively integrated, synchronized, and harmonized with a view to provide unity of effort in the operational environment to achieve the end state. Once developed, Botswana then needs to work with its neighbors (Zambia and Zimbabwe) in order to ensure that its strategy is effective.
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