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Aircrew survival weapon use:  WW II data base.
Aircrew survival weapon use: WW II data base.
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The United States Air Force (USAF) issues individual weapons to aircrew members involved in combat operations. The primary purpose of these weapons is to assist downed aircrew survival efforts. This study provides a historical data base for use in determining specific survival weapon requirements for any future from conflict in Western Europe. Five hundred fifty-seven successful WW II evasions are included in the data base. None of these evadees actually fired a weapon for any survival purpose. However, many evadees reported situations when a weapon, properly designed for the role, would have benefited their survival. The most frequently encountered potential use of a weapon was to kill small game or birds for food. Next, in frequency of occurrence, was the potential for psychological benefits to be gained by possession of a weapon. The third most frequently encountered potential use was for coercion. The least frequently experienced potential used was self-defense. No situations were reported in which a weapon would have been useful for any other survival purposes. Data from WW II was compared with current USAF survival and evasion policy. This study includes recommendations for new weapons and ammunition, and for modification of aircrew training procedures.
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