Egyptian-Israeli peace initiative: a crossroad for the Middle East.
Egyptian-Israeli peace initiative: a crossroad for the Middle East.
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This thesis attempts to examine certain reasons for the conflict in the Middle East between the Arab States and Israel by taking several steps back and looking at recent wars and their causes, by studying the conflicts closely, by looking at the Palestinian and the other internal and external factors which impact on the Arab Israeli dispute. From the first days of Israel's existence this area has been in turmoil. In terms of time, equipment, weapons and forces, each war has been worse than the previous. There was no state which wouldn't pay the price of the military struggle yet many have not come to the conclusion that a settlement for the crisis must be founded in negotiation and tolerance through understanding and a willingness for compromise, and not by armed aggression and escalation, violence and wars. It almost seems out of a human beings' capability to find a formula which can overcome the obstacles being laid on the way to peace. The 1973 War was Arab initiated to force the world to alter the "status quo" of the area and also an attempt to regain as much area as possible from the land of Palestine. This research is focused on recent historical experience, on the present capabilities of Middle East nations to conduct war, and on motives which foster disruption and fighting. It is a known fact that the Middle East region is very complex due to the many different interests in this area, both internal and external. It is almost impossible to go into all these components and examine each of them individually. Therefore, this thesis concentrates on a few major .factors--from the viewpoint of the author. It has to be indicated that this study does not address the immediate possibility of nuclear war in this area in spite of the effort of some states in the Middle East to acquire a nuclear capability. The analysis of recent historical background and present political and military situations reveals that most of the factors which created the initial dispute are still existent and under stress; therefore, the author regretfully concludes that another war is almost certainly unavoidable.
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