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Communist Party of the Philippines: theory and practice of united front.
Communist Party of the Philippines: theory and practice of united front.
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This study is an investigation and analysis of the united front (UF) theories and practices of the Communist Party of the Philippines as these impact on the Philippine insurgency. The research hypothesis is that united front building is as vital a component of the CPP strategy as is the armed struggle being waged by the insurgency movement. This study profiles the nature and extent of united front work by the CPP; the ideological and practical bases of the strategy; the basic concepts and theories associated with it; the organizational and operational manifestation of such concepts and theories; and the current situation of CPP united front building. The study further examines the role united front building plays in the furtherance of the revolutionary struggle of the CPP/NPA/NDF that has become an increasingly formidable politico-military force that can present a credible challenge to the continued existence of a democratic Republic of the Philippines. Among the conclusions that could be drawn from the study are: that united front work is a mature CPP strategy for insurgency that is based on sound doctrinal and practical foundations; that united front building is complementary to the armed strategy for insurgency; that the probability of CPP victory is greatly enhanced by its success at UF building; that CPP UF work involves an intricate web of overt and covert organizations all working for the furtherance of the CPP insurgency struggle; and that the spread and depth of CPP UF work has reached alarming proportions. The study further concludes that there is a need to reassess government response to this growing menace.
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