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Army doctrine and irregular warfare.
Army doctrine and irregular warfare.
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The purpose of this study is to examine the need for the US Army to publish a distinct warfighting doctrine for irregular warfare in the new FM 100- 5, Operations. The emerging Army doctrine applies to the entire range of conflict, including 'operations short of war.' However, the current literature limits the Army to a support role in the level of conflict previously known as 'low intensity conflict.' Warfighting in the traditional sense is focused on the application of decisive combat, using a modified version of the 'AirLand Battle' doctrine. The thesis reviews the history and theory of irregular war as a distinct form of conflict that requires a different way of thinking about war. Characterized by protracted conflict and the integration of part-time, non- professional soldiers, the history of irregular warfare demonstrates consistent fundamental differences in the conduct of operations. The thesis concludes that the US Army must re-look the concept of irregular warfighting and campaign planning to be truly prepared to fight across the spectrum of war. Several fundamental principles are proposed to form a basis for drafting a separate chapter of the new doctrine.
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