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American policy in occupied areas.
American policy in occupied areas.
-- American policy in occupied areas: a series of articles reprinted from the Department of State Bulletin of July 14, 1946, August 18, 1946, February 9, 1947, and March 9, 1947, with added new material.
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The success of the occupation program will be an important factor in the achievement of a just and lasting peace. Success in achieving our objectives in the occupied areas, in turn, depends, to no small extent, upon the understanding and full support of the American people, whose opinions are reflected in our foreign policy. This nation was conceived on the principle that every man should have a loud voice in the shaping of his own destiny. Effective participation in the formulation and administration of policies worthy of the American traditions, requires that each citizen take an active and intelligent interest in world affairs and acquaint himself with the nature of international problems and the implications which these problems may have on the future peace of the world. The series of articles reprinted in this pamphlet is intended to provide the American people with the background data necessary for the creation of an informed public opinion concerning the political and administrative pattern of the occupation policy of the United States. Contents include: the responsibilities of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas; machinery for making and executing policy in the occupied countries: Germany, Austria, Japan, and Korea; the beginnings of self-government in the American zone of Germany; and the United States in the Allied Administration of Austria.
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