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Longevity credit for pay purposes for USMA cadet service.
Longevity credit for pay purposes for USMA cadet service.
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Seeks to determine whether or not cadet service at USMA should be allowed in computing longevity for pay purposes. Service as a cadet at USMA has been regarded as service in the Army from the founding of USMA until 1912. since 1918, only those officers who were appointed to USMA prior to 24 August 1912 may count the time spent at USMA in computing their length of service for an6y purposes. Under Pay Adjustment Act of 1942, virtually all types of military or naval service, active or inactive, may be credited for pay purposes, except service as a cadet at USMA. A cadet at USMA in his pledge of engagement to serve, agrees to serve for eight years from the date of his admission in USMA, in the Army of the United States. This is additional weight of proof that a USMA cadet is part of the Army.
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