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Zak George's guide to a well-behaved dog : proven solutions to the most common training problems for all ages, breeds, and mixes
Zak George's guide to a well-behaved dog : proven solutions to the most common training problems for all ages, breeds, and mixes
-- Guide to a well-behaved dog
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Does your dog bark a lot, pull on the leash, hate to be left alone, or have accidents in the house? Celebrity dog trainer and YouTube star Zak George to the rescue! In this problem-based guide, he makes it easy to look up and solve the exact behavioral issue that's driving you crazy - whether you're dealing with a new puppy, an adult dog you've had for years, or a recently adopted rescue. Packed with case studies and examples from his videos so you can see his tactics in action, this book contains step-by-step instruction for dealing with chewing; jumping up; play biting; begging; not listening; thunderstorm phobia; resource guarding; and much more!--COVER.
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