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Deliberate discomfort : how U.S. special operations forces overcome fear and dare to win by getting comfortable being uncomfortable
Deliberate discomfort : how U.S. special operations forces overcome fear and dare to win by getting comfortable being uncomfortable
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"This book is about getting comfortable being uncomfortable. When you make the courageous decision to deliberately choose discomfort, you prove to yourself that you are no longer satisfied with the way things are and you won't tolerate it any longer. You're for change, for growth. You are reedy to accept and embrace suffering because you want a better life for yourself, your family, and/or your business. What's stopping you? Fear. Rear kills more dreams than failure ever will. What are you afraid of, then? ... It's not the obstacle you fear; it's the unknown result of attempting to overcome that obstacle. You must have the courage to willingly choose to confront that unknown, whatever it may be, head on.
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