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Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War : a political, social, and military history
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War : a political, social, and military history
-- Vietnam War
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"This encyclopedia is unique for its comprehensive coverage of the military, social, and political aspects of the Vietnam War. There are clear articles on military tactics and weapon systems, detailed biographies with particularly thorough coverage of the Communist leaders analytical articles describing the contributions of various nations, antiwar movement, and military strategy. Each entry has a substantial bibliography, as well as see-also references. Volume three consists of a documentary history of the war, including government memos, military telegrams, speeches, policy statements, and the logs of phone conversations. The comprehensive scope and depth of this encyclopedia make it a valuable addition to any academic or public library."--"Outstanding Reference Sources : the 1999 Selection of New Titles", American Libraries, May 1999. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA.
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