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Formation : a woman's memoir of stepping out of line
Formation : a woman's memoir of stepping out of line
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Raised by strong women in a restrictive, sheltered Christian cult in New England, Ryan Dostie never imagined herself on the front lines of a war halfway across the globe. But then a conversation with an Army recruiter in her high-school cafeteria changes the course of her life. Hired as a linguist, she quickly has to find a space for herself in the testosterone-filled world of the Army barracks. She's able to hold her own until the unthinkable happens and she is raped by a fellow soldier. Struggling with trauma and a command hierarchy that doesn't trust her story, Dostie finds herself fighting through her isolation amid the challenges of an unexpected war. What follows is a sweepingly beautiful, riveting, and inspiring story of one woman's extraordinary journey to prove her worth, physically and mentally, in a world in which the odds are stacked against her.
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