My ethical dilemma.
My ethical dilemma.
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The problem with ethics is that every person has a different idea of right and wrong. The upbringing you received from your parents and society could make you believe you have an ethical dilemma but another person might not. Why is this? Who is right and who is wrong? This is the ethical dilemma that faces me. I am a cut and dry type of person. There are laws that our local and federal government have put in place that along with my upbringing help me stay away from the ethical dilemma. If I abide by the law then I shouldn't have any problems with right and wrong. In the Military I feel it is even easier. The military has a regulation or standard operating procedures (SOP) for everything. If you know the regulation and you follow the SOPs then you should be ok. In combat you have rules of engagement. Many Soldiers feel this limits them from doing their job in combat. I have to disagree. If you know and understand the rules of engagement it tells you what you can do not what you can't do. Soldiers get caught up with everyone wants to get us for doing something wrong. Know the rules and do what is right.
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