J-SEAD: challenges facing the Joint Forces Commander.
J-SEAD: challenges facing the Joint Forces Commander.
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The Joint Forces Commander's (JFC) ability to execute an effective Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (J-SEAD) campaign is critical. To best employ with limited assets, the JFC has to make intelligent use of available means to create favorable conditions for success. This realization is particularly true within the J-SEAD arena where the unique capabilities of the individual service components systems are at a premium. This monograph analyzes the challenges facing the JFC pertaining to executing a J-SEAD campaign. After a brief discussion on the importance of the subject and research methodology, the main research surrounding the key portions of the J-SEAD problem are presented. Joint and service component doctrine, assets, and current capabilities are discussed as they currently exist. Some of the obvious integration issues influencing J-SEAD are also mentioned. Having reviewed the major ingredients that make up the JFC's J-SEAD capabilities, disparities in doctrine, gaps in capabilities, and integration problems are then highlighted. This analysis provides an increased awareness and potential footing for improving the ability of the JFC to prosecute future J-SEAD operations. Ultimately, the ability to recognize weak areas in J-SEAD doctrine, resourcing, and integration is where this monograph gains value. The study concludes that JFC's challenges for J-SEAD are substantial. Joint doctrine provides only generic assistance to the JFC to structure his organization however it does provides the JFC sufficient leniency to "build" an organization as seen fit. In general, service component doctrine is incomplete and only adds to the confusion. Furthermore, the inability for any one service to conduct autonomous full-spectrum SEAD operations does not exist. Thus, the JFC must circumnavigate the service component barriers by setting up a coordinated J-SEAD effort to make best use of limited SEAD assets available. To succeed, the JFC will have to transcend resistance, well within authority, to conduct the type J-SEAD operations that will ensure future air domination.
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