JTF staffs: permanent or temporary level of command?
JTF staffs: permanent or temporary level of command?
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This monograph seeks to determine an optimal solution for the designation and establishment of a Joint Task Force (JTF) headquarters for a contingency situation in an operations other than war (OOTW) environment. The principal aim of this study is to determine if further unification of service components below the regional Commander in Chief (ClNC) is required. Specifically, should a standing JTF headquarters be provided to each regional CINC? The study first examines the current and projected United States military environment to access any changes that occurred as a result of the Goldwaters-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986 (GNA) and the reform in military education that followed. Also, the National Security and National Military Strategies are examined to determine the military's requirement to support future contingency operations. The paper then examines the necessary requirements, capabilities, and characteristics for a permanent JTF staff to present a model of optimum efficiency for a staff organization in an evolving environment based on previous rapid deployment forces/JTFs established by the United States in the past thirty-five years. It next reviews recent examples of ad hoc JTFs in the OOTW environment to include Operations RESTORE HOPE, SUPPORT HOPE and UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, and examines the lessons learned from these operations. A comparison of the permanent JTF headquarters model with the ad hoc headquarters examined are used to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods of forming a JTF staff for a contingency operation. Finally, the monograph makes recommendations as to the best method of providing the JTF staff for the next crisis. The monograph concludes that the optimum solution for establishing a JTF headquarters for a contingency operation is to use an ad hoc staff based on existing Corps, Division, Marine Expeditionary Force, Navy Fleet, or Air Force, with augmentation by the CLNC's staff and functional specialists. Through both joint education and training the U.S. military forces can take advantage of their unique capabilities to accomplish the goals established by the GNA and successfully execute their future missions.
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